Broseph Duderson

I briefly owned a 1991 Saab 900 back in the early 2000's. It had been sitting for a few years. I was in a tight spot and needed a car and traded for it.

Absoltuely the weirdest car I ever worked on. Engine is mounted 180 degrees the wrong way. Accessories all jammed between the firewall and the block. Somehow despite

Just think of a Tool song, then imagine all the good parts of it are missing. That’s Chevelle.

Patrick George is 100% correct - supercars are more status symbols than anything else, at least practically speaking. I’m sure they’re a blast to drive but are just sheer frivolity and are mostly a dick measuring tool for the elite and the nouveau riche. Along with their brats.

This is what Donald Trump’s car would look like if he hadn’t been born into money

I’m not talking about stereotyping to ensure your meal ticket. I’ve been in sales for almost 15 years, I totally get that part.

I’m talking about making comments to the kid like ‘We don’t just let every dreamer test drive our cars’. I don’t care what your station in life is, that’s just classless horse shit.

Exactly. There’s no excuse for poor customer service, no matter how jaded you are. I’ve been in sales for 15 years (including a brief stint in car sales) and yes, dealing with non-buyers is a huge PITA, but how you treat them says much more about your character than it does about them.

I work in tech sales (server

...which he might have realized if they had answered his questions, no?

The issue here is that he didn’t even want to buy a car of this caliber - he just asked a simple question about it. If your sales people can’t be bothered to even answer questions, then you need new sales people. Even if the guy would have been a hobo wearing a shirt that said ‘I will never buy a Porsche’ - being

Auroras were sexy. The fact that they were powered by a baby Northstar that was later cribbed by Carrol Shelby to build a supercar with didn’t hurt their appeal, either.

Probably Oldsmobile’s swan song. An inspired design that didn’t get too cray.

Perhaps not the only factor, but when Jezza reviewed it he pointed out how the driver door was oddly positioned very far forward of the seat and it made an already cramped car feel that much more cramped to get in and out of. And that’s from a guy who loved the car overall - he bagged hard on that part.

Perhaps a 2+2

Right, but Chevy chose to make their electric car in the same form factor as their doofusbot-mobile, the Spark, whereas the Tesla at least looks like a Mazda 3 or something respectable.

“Hey honey, I really like that car, what is it?”
“I don’t know. Let’s go stand close enough to take a picture of it with the Blippar app, but not close enough to read the badging that would also tell us what it is as well.”

EXACTLY what I was thinking as I read the article.

Maybe because the Chevy Bolt looks far too much like a casually racist Transformer?

You missed that it was Grand Sarcasma

Check engine light, low oil pressure, and both doors missing?

This is obviously a 1990's XJ Cherokee.

I guess this is what the dashes looked like on the export market models.

Man, I can’t imagine the kind of hard knock life where you have to daily a Kia Rio AND have enemies who hate you so bad they’d sugar your tank.

Wait, what? I always heard the 83 Vette was found to have structural problems that couldn’t be remediated, so the early production run was scrapped (save one)