
I used to always be late. Just never cared enough about what I was doing.. once I started doing something I cared about I've always been on time or early.. Motivation is a funny thing.

Privacy is not a constitutional right... unfortunately.

Thinner doesn't always mean lighter. What if they changed the material it was made out of or the type of glass on the screen?

Since I am a user of both Android and iOS devices (always rooted or jailbroken when available), I'd have to say the jailbreak tweak community is much stronger than Android's. By a factor of close to 100 or so.

I don't want 4G. It rapes my battery. I've owned two Galaxy S2's.. black and white. I'll take the iPhone 4S' battery over that any day.

wtf were you thinking, RIM? You can't just go taking other peoples names of stuff. You're not Apple.

You can get a secured credit card which will help build credit. Capital One has a mastercard in Canada that will net you a $300 limit - sometimes you don't put any down, sometimes you'll put down $100-$150 in order to get it. Most major banks will let you put down $500 and secure a credit card.


In all fairness, Bill Gates was worth something like $55 Billion and Steve Jobs was worth something like 10. Not to mention his salary was $1 per year - so I'm guessing the majority of his worth is all shares. I did read an article somewhere that mention that Steve Jobs and his wife did donate quite a bit to charity,

Deserve a star for that comment.

A monumental day...

lol, win.

news flash: you'll die too.

I havn't used iOS5 yet as I prefer my jailbreak to be untethered.. but personally (as an iPhone user) I love the android notification system...

I'm just kind of amazed that Magic Jack accepts Discover.

I thought I'd seen a lot in my 24 years old this planet.

So apparently you don't even need to be a real business to make money with Groupon? 21st Century scam incoming.

It's not the developers choice to make a decision for the consumer. The consumers made their decision - and although from a handset perspective android is doing very, very well - from a tablet perspective Apple is winning.