
Good to know the people issuing death threats have a champion and a person willing to excuse their behavior.

The reality is that the "sides" are not equal in this, and no amount of equivocation or excuses will change that.

Listen, it sounds like you're trying to be open minded about this, but don't say these things out loud. It is so completely insane to suggest that she is doing this herself that it boggles the mind. Think about what she gains (her videos are already widely talked about and discussed, and the harassment that she gets

Are you implying that the only bomb threats that are publicized are about gamers or Sarkeesian? You can't really be that dumb.

I'm a Cardinals fan and I wouldn't be caught dead in that shirt. Mostly because I'm white.

Yeah, my jackass uncle gave me a 6-pack of Raging Bitch for Christmas one year. Considering the nature of our relationship, I'm sure he thought he was being funny and that I am also a raging bitch.

I've never consumed a Flying Dog beer. If you have to come up with stupid names to get people to drink your beer, than it's most likely going to be shit. Glad I've passed on it

I met the owner and his...girlfriend the other day...what. a. treat. Also explains the above beer. He is one of 3 I believe in his 60's, his girlfriend, wait for it...22. She is much more put together mentally than he was, seemed like he was living out an old stereotype of recently divorced lets see how young I can

not offensive to YOU but if my wife doesn't feel comfortable asking some 22-year-old dipshit in a backward baseball cap for "One Pearl Necklace, please," does that make her uptight, or just someone who doesn't need this bullshit?

At least it's better than their planned winter offering, Women Are Objects Lager.

No, that would be a stupid thing to say.

You know what a shit raven is, Bubbles? It's like a shit hawk, except it's purple.

So similar.

"I'd be more mad about that if I knew how far that was" - People in the US.

Was actually able to get a singular bottle of Championship Ale shipped up to me in Boston - still to nervous to actually drink the stuff, expecting it taste like victorious, victorious hops though

Steve from Comm 101 here. I'll admit that the B in that class wasn't my proudest moment of college.

You're right, you are free to choose to recline. You're also free to your opinion about it. But common courtesy says that if you're recline into someone else's space that they are currently occupying (as is the case with a very tall man like Thabeet), maybe you should consider being polite instead of being a child.

Actually, Timothy, I had not heard that joke. Maybe you need to take a closer look at the kind of people you've been hanging out with.

Bauer's been associated with the Chargers for decades, so we wouldn't expect any kind of punishment to come of this.