
it’s exceptionally difficult for me to believe dean leaving isn’t a work since they’ve announced it so soon, like maybe they’re going to try to redo something similar to “punk leaves with the belt” thing from a few years ago but correctly. but given how he’s been booked i also do not blame dean for leaving, evident by

‘destination’ city, like Tampa

after shire purchased baxalta to get in on the lucrative, captive market that is hemophiliacs like me, the poor ceo of shire had his salary reduced from $21m to $10.6m because people could see gene therapy working out for us in the next decade and shareholders thought it was a bad gamble. but my medicine costs haven’t

hogan gidley

the isn’t the first time a huckabee has been personally involved in something that died slowly folks im referring to sarah’s large adult brother who tortured a dog to death. he hanged it and watched it die and then mike used his large man politic power to brush it aside

trevor, who cannot tweet about this or me due to my diplomatic immunity, once told me that he pees on his feet in the shower to keep from getting athlete’s foot. also when he was in college he almost failed freshman physics because he kept confusing mass and weight. also trevor once destroyed his pitching hand during

between this and like joe rogan and owen benjamin and dennis miller using some variant of trigger warning/triggered for things gesturing in the vague direction of funny i think netflix owes me four million dollars to produce “take (boart voice) my wife, please” for 2021

a new challenger has entered the arena

as a stars fan you could just offer the team, i don’t know, someone who was really good in the era the stars were last considered good. this is a team that had eric lindros, ray whitney and jaromir jagr but like in the last decade. is teemu available

the two end states of a grown ass man having his costume mainly be “i dont know, a jersey i guess” are either a) super boring, no one wants to talk to you b) so wildly offensive no one wants to talk to you

eh i mean people roast them pretty relentlessly and they are also dumb enough to dive head-first into a self own

honestly everyone that has ever been On One, onlinely, this year is measured on a scale of zero to wohl. those 48 hours around halloween were utterly perfect in every way and nothing can top it without being overt satire. laura loomer handcuffing herself to one of two double doors got really close but it was still

wow a UK-brewed sharknado-themed beer, what a missed opportunity to make people close to me suffer when they ask for a drink

briefly interested in this league when i misread salt lake’s coach to be dennis eckersley

but doesn’t he think basically everyone is guilty and unworthy of his help? it’s clear his code is absolutely fucked even if it’s (mostly) consistent. he thinks everyone is culpable except the comedian, who he’s willing to say made an oopsie when he raped SS1 but that’s because he was the only hero he respected.

buddy it was probably a thing even before libs were owned by people chopping off nike apparel while still wearing it

there will never be a shortage of dem voters willing to explain away the horseshit people in power like manchin and heitkamp do to victims of sexual violence. like you aren't even explaining to someone disconnected to this why he or she or they should vote heitkamp. literally trying to find a reason why the person

“things aren’t perfect” here meaning “needlessly gave explicit support to a rapist with a lifetime appointment”

there were 100,000 college students at private nonprofit and public schools in wv in 2013. in the last wv midterm, 2014, there were 450,000 votes cast for senate. literally two google searches was all it took to figure this out.

hey bud, glad you don’t have skin in the game when it comes to how a crusty dude votes on confirming a rapist. at least now we both understand we don’t need to keep talking to each other.