
i mentioned getting progressives optimistic. he's doing that. you're discussing the wisdom in hedging a bet by throwing women and survivors of sexual violence under the bus. manchin hasn't won yet. what if he fucking loses? at least beto will probably not have restless sleep, and i won't from voting for him. how will

i live in fucking texas and beto is able to do it by going for college kids, who cornyn and cruz ignore. i went through wendy davis trying to thread that centrist needle and as soon as she lost in an infuriating race to follow she explicitly regretted doing that. but by all means, find an excuse to keep the “liberal”

literally no one would be complaining that he didn’t do what he needed to do to win if he voted no. i will never understand the obsession neoliberals have with trying to court the mythical undecided centrist six weeks before the election instead of actually getting people with progressive views to see enough optimism

dang i got class early tomorrow otherwise i would be this wasted too

ive heard they cannot convict a husband and wife of the same crime

i like bernie sanders’ ideas, my dude, but he is an old man who had a massive blind spot and almost immediately after the protests he suddenly had an extensive stand on race issues on his website. if you think that this is a coincidence you are extra delusional, and hamilton was wrong, because the protests worked.


this is very good, like all of greg’s pieces, and also i am glad that hamilton nolan’s colossally stupid piece telling black people who and how they shouldn’t protest has gotten multiple rebuttals here. hamilton’s “grinds my gears”-peter-griffin impressions are best left for crossfitters.

dang pedro with the patrick-roy-esque burn that i hadn’t realized i had missed

i read it when i was unemployed after college and begging for things to do during the day to pass the time and get away from online job applications. it still took me two months. it’s like going for a ten mile run: i fucking hated doing it at the time but felt great about having it behind me.

“whilst this kerfuffle occurred,”

what the fuck where is my tony hawk follow

ahhh mantry.......finally, someone will cater to me, a man, and my taste for food and sometimes drink

lol messi wears jorts

glenallen hill


credibility means nothing when u suckers all get Left Behind anyway

here is my opinion....cats are actually Good

please pbs don’t hurt’em

i remember watching this game, and i remember the cut afterward to sportscenter where they led with lawrence taylor getting indicted for statutory rape. thanks brain for the associative memories