
democrats and republicans are essentially indistinguishable except for like five differing opinions but despite his self-labelling there is no way colin cowherd passes for liberal

i, hatch, will do it,

a shocking number of people on pc don’t really know how cody’s u2 works or how many hits it has and i’ll admit i’ve won a shameful number of rounds with wild-ass ultra that gets blocked on the first hit or two, then they try a reversal and boom, ultra animation.

street fighter has damage scaling so that after 3 hits in a combo, moves do 75%, after 6 hits they do 60%, etc. it isn’t an uncommon or new thing.

the best is when someone gets mad in street fighter because they were pressing buttons at the same time someone inputs a “random” ultra leaving them unable to block. happens to mike ross on like half of all episodes of excellent adventures, he loses, “what a scrub, what a scrub”

excited for the complaints about j.hk into sweep in three weeks when usf4 comes out on ps4

great thriller. he is an importer/exporter but needs to make a big decision: should he give up importing and focus on exporting???

“In my opinion, if you strike a woman, you’re off our board. I’m sorry, there’s just no two ways about it.”

did brandon ever consider that his penis wanted to join him in the bath because maybe that “ridiculous” look he sees on his penes is more like “abandonment” or “jealousy”

had my first gose yesterday, actually: destihl wild sour. i dunno how i feel about it as a general style yet, since it struck me as a little too heavy on the sour apple flavor. but i did enjoy it and i’m not dreading finishing off the rest of the pack.

at this point i would feel comfortable calling him postmadonna


username checks out



i've been playing squash since college and i love it. it's hard to find a court (racquetball courts don't really work, despite what some might say) but my suburban rec center does have two. supposedly it's one of the best workouts when it comes to calories burned but i just find it very, very fun.

honestly, i had no idea they had released one for each season, but i guess it makes sense.

i remember my local liquor store guy saved a bottle of the ommegang game of thrones blonde from a couple years ago and thinking it was better than it had any business being (tho it's not like i don't trust ommegang). it was good enough that wife and i looked for it the next weekend but never saw it again. tried to

more like big bulli!!

"Like what kind?" I mumbled, teenly.