
it's possible to be mad that he didn't go to jail and also mad that he got suspended for only two games, dingus

instead of asking THE DUKES to respond via kinja can you host him on your own morning sports radio zoo, THE DOG KENNEL WITH DAVE MCKENNA


i'm afraid we disagree mightily on ruby redbird and st. arnold.

dunno if you're in the area but if so - revolver's blood and honey is really good and fairly easy to find in dallas bars on tap.

i can't do velvet hammers anymore. i really enjoy deep ellum's blonde but the company itself has turned me off for a few reasons over the last year or so, so i'm trying to look elsewhere. i'm pretty close to franconia's brewery and they have a nice selection. i had like five franconia koelsches during the world cup

i've got a spot of nostalgia for it, too. i lived in minneapolis for six years and during that time really missed shiner. when i got back to texas i had one and was a bit disappointed. it's a good first step like you said and i have a soft spot for it, but i'm comfortable calling it overrated.

oh yeah - i've had a white wing. i don't like wheats that often but i thought it was all right.

i live in north texas which is firmly established shiner country. the only shiner i will recommend people try is ruby red, which is stupid easy to drink when it's 105 degrees out.

i hate to be that guy, but this is absolutely related to benghazi and i feel like that explains itself and derbel's original post

cody kessler going with chicken parm instead of tikka masala..............fuckin, the, god- the symbolism. look at the political brains on this kid

THansk for the cool famibly guy gif

30 bernies tho.

only 25 dogs named "jeter" is surprising.

i heard that in cosmo they once said comso did 9/11...............maeks u think..........

thanks kate.

i'll concede costa rica was better than chile. and i'll also concede i'm probably biased and more forgiving towards colombia than most.

meh, it's a four year weighted scoring system and they have a second place finish at the confed cup and a euro championship still counting.

you're right that greece and nigeria would have been easier, and you're doubly right: fifa rankings are completely fuckin meaningless.

you're disputing that mexico and costa rica wasn't one of the easier paths to the final four? the only other argument i can see is argentina having to go through an overrated swiss team and a belgium team that seemed disinterested once knockouts started.