You mean Concorde. F-22 is a hot mess.
You mean Concorde. F-22 is a hot mess.
I know but it just seems so silly. There in no need to have a truck when a hatchback or sedan is fine for towing. I do get it is easier with a truck but it still seems silly.
Which I totally get. It's when the argue that they need a truck to tow a boat or trailer or to move furniture I get confused.
What is your point? You like small businesses. Why do you like them ? Countries with lots of small businesses are less productive and poorer than those with very large companies.
How come other people can't seem understand this. I understand why people do it because of tradition and they are cheap and the path dependency of the American automotive market. They do look like hella fun.
The rest of the world doesn't need a massive pickup truck to move construction materials though.
Of course all big business where small business at one point. What does that prove? Why do you fetishize small business ? Go read some fucking economics research on the subject jackass.
Those points make no sense.
Why the fuck should people give the tiniest shit about small business?
You clearly don't understand economics. Small businesses are bad for the economy. look at any economic research on the subject. Countries like Norway, UK, USA have the vast majority of people employed by large business. Countries like Spain, Italy, Greece have a many more small business.
Well they don't test much in Tennis. So there is that.
Can we discuss how garlic is the king of all flavors? That aroma when garlic hits hot butter ???
no fun then
The United states has a total fertility rate of 1.93 which is below the replacement rate of 2.1. White middle class American women have a TFR of 1.6 which massively below the replacement rate. Immigrants have a much higher TFR but it is falling fast. If America doesn't see an increase in immigration or massive…
The United states has a total fertility rate of 1.93 which is below the replacement rate of 2.1. White middle class American women have a TFR of 1.6 which massively below the replacement rate. Immigrants have a much higher TFR but it is falling fast. If America doesn't see an increase in immigration or massive…
Who cares, that shit is awesome. Smartphones all the way.
This seems more reasonable.
Hyperloop is just plain bullshit. He is either stupid or lying. If he has managed to reduce the costs of building raised pylons by a factor of 10 then he had changed the world. (hint: he hasn't)
It isn't that expensive for most people, maybe a quarter. Genuinely curious why it would be so expensive for you. You asked why I assume?