Congestion charge is a great idea.
Congestion charge is a great idea.
There is something you are not telling us.
I think to an extent Europeans value craftsmanship just a little bit more. It is of course a massive over-generalization but perhaps a little less of a disposable culture compared to the US. A few more old buildings and a few less strip malls. Might as well get something which is going to last.
Maybe humans would pick up on it maybe they wouldn't. Maybe a autonomous car would pick up on it too. The fact is though cars flying off the back of tow trucks is not the average accident. Driver error is at fault the vast majority of the time and autonomous cars would reduce the accident race by a huge extent. To…
Try not to talk about things you don't understand.
The thing to remember is Europe isn't as bad as you have been told. For 80% of people things haven't really changed and they still have excellent quality of life. Just FYI.
What bollix.
Hooray for peak car in Europe !
The 787 is only a great success if you are high. It isn't failure but it certainly isn't a success. They are years and years behind schedule and have squandered much of their lead on Airbus. Airbus had to build a super-jumbo to finally compete with Boeing at every level. Now the A350 is only a few years away. Fucking…
You so crazy.
Constricting labour polices such as ? Can you give an example.
A powerful slap hurts and can easily dislocate a jaw.
Why? Seriously that looked like it hurt. When the adrenalin is flowing you can have the crap beaten out of you and not feel it at all. But a smack to the jaw totally unprovoked fucking hurts.
Anyone else love the MI6 headquarters? It looks so appropriate to me. Sorta modern sorta like a 18th century fortress, a foot in either time period. Its almost brutalist but is just softened enough to not be butt ugly.
Having to buy new sheets because you got too drunk and brought home a oompa loompa.
That hardly seems true ?
How could I live inside the grounds of power plant, next to a leaking storage tank? Where would I build my house?
The Word Office implies some kind of work. People could get confused.