
Fucking hell.

People slag Jez, you must be aware of this.

Like has this ever actually happened to anyone, ever ?

Well if you feel that strongly about it. But fyi this is why people laugh at Jez. They write lots of good articles about important things, then they write these things where they just seem to look for something to be offended by.

Yeah but is this a common thing?

So this site trawls the internet looking for things to get offended over? I suppose it makes it easier as the internet is full of things to get offended over.

Americans give more to domestic charities because you have a terrible welfare state. Most European countries don't need as much charity as the have decent government support.

???? Whay are you talking about?

Shit if Ireland can afford an ambassador to Malta so can the US. It isn't going to make any difference to the budget at all and there are big airbases in Malta as well. If your on an island you do kinda need some kind of consular support. This isn't the same as Rome/Vatican and France/Monaco. Countries don't like not

It is a long street, is there a bus behind him ? When you have right of way you have right of way. It may take 5 minutes longer to get where you are going but things are easier and calmer if people follow the rules.

You can't possibly think that can you? That Malta and Monaco are the same thing? That having a embassy in Malta has anything to do with a unsustainable budget? Your not that dumb, are you ?

Maltese guy has right of way.

Maltese guy had right of way, he could moved over but no obligation at all to do so.

Yeah you sure proved him wrong.

And since Orlove doesn't offer any arguments against the article, and there is no real evidence that the writer knew or was influenced by the advertisers it is clear that Jalopnik is full of hacks.

Haha, fucking American cops pulling their guns on a car thief in a car. Hilarious.

Some people think it was Islam or the invasion of their country which made people blow the legs off Americans. Turn out it was because they kept fucking with people in traffic.

Whaaaaaaaa? They have great taste in music I thought. Berlin is just the best nightlife for a visit. They have great electronic/trance/synth.

As Micheal O'Leary would say. I think this idiot should be forced to eat the burger for being stupid enough to buy a burger on one of our flights. Its a 1.30 minute flight, who could be so hungry they have to order a burger while in the air. Idiots all of them !

Yes because that is what I am saying./s