
Did they do that? No. She is allergic to peanuts and that sucks, but the whole world doesn't revolve around her.

See I don't get complaints like this. I don't really understand what you are complaining about. They got you to your destination on time and for very very little money? There is plenty of room in carry on luggage for a short break and a bag is 20 if you book ahead.

You get what you pay for. If things go wrong you will get your EU rights and nothing more. I still think they are a great airline.

Why would they change everything just for your co-worker? It isn't their fault she is allergic to peanuts. How entitled are people nowadays?

Ryanair is perfectly fine airline and lots of people like them or they wouldn't be the worlds biggest international airline. Micheal O'Leary acts the maggot for free press and I don't know why Mojonaut gets so upset when he clearly isn't serious. Some people get upset when they forget to print their boarding pass etc

A person who doesn't like German young people, is a person who doesn't like life.

I would be happy to go live near Chernobyl but outside the exclusion zone. I don't know what that proves though.

So a single town evacuted , a limited number of deaths and few thousand extra cases of cancer. That is a terrible tragedy and senseless loss of life. I still don't see how it is worse than between 230,000-1,000,000 deaths, numerous towns villages and cities destroyed and 11,000,0000 people made homeless. Unless

Nope, nuclear energy is always going to be more expensive than renewable sources. But it does have and important role to play in the short term as we transition to these sources. Fossil fuels are already killing millions.

It was built by Soviet engineers, it wasn't made of mud and sticks you racist.

Do Chinese people count for less than white people to you ? I would live near Chernobyl but outside the small exclusion area if it wasn't a massive shithole. I would happily live near Fukushima, its a nice place and property is cheap. Living there is not dangerous.

Your clearly a racist. Sticks and mud? They had phones.

By any measure the dam burst was still worse. They had a plague outbreak afterwards from the dead bodies. What makes Chernobyl worse ?

But it isn't nearly as bad as people make out. It only really had a relatively minor effect. The American courts and public vilified BP partly because it was a foreign oil major. Your heard very little about Trans-ocean or Halliburton which bear much of the responsibility.

I wouldn't have any problem with that as long as it was under the regulations and even if it wasn't, I smoke when I drink so really why not?

So are you. The environmental impact is much much smaller than most people think. This isn't Alaska, its the gulf of mexico. Thousands of barrels of oil leak out of the sea bed every year and are eaten by microbes. Most of the oil was consumed quickly by these microbes which boomed. Fucking with the course of the

So are you. The environmental impact is much much smaller than most people think. This isn't Alaska, its the gulf of mexico. Thousands of barrels of oil leak out of the sea bed every year and are eaten by microbes. Most of the oil was consumed quickly by these microbes which boomed. Fucking with the course of the

Fukushima isn't bad because when you dilute radioactive water with the contents of the entire ocean the radiation level is so low it has zero effect. There are 47,800 drums of radioactive waste sitting off the coast of San Francisco. The US dumped them there from 1946-1970, if the barrels didn't sink the Navy gunners

Not by serious historians. It was certainly a serious credibility blow to the Gorbachev but its wasn't that important. If it did bring down communism (it didn't) is that not a good thing then? Hooray for nuclear disaster !!