
That’s pretty much why they sent him as the ambassador to the Netherlands. See also: guy who couldn’t remember the DoE being nominated...to run the DoE. Also, guy who spent years suing the EPA to stop enforcement of environmental rules in his home state nominated...to run the EPA. It’s just how they roll.

Holy Cow, how tone deaf does an administration have to be to send this guy to the Netherlands?

Coming up next: Richard Spencer as the Ambassador to Nigeria

Press her more, and risk being casted out of the prized DC Cocktail Party Circuit? Are you mad?

Haha! The White House Press Corps has always been complicit. That’s how they get to stay in the room and rub elbows at fancy parties.

THIS. Why aren’t they calling her on that crap?

Have to admit, I felt kinda proud to be Dutch here.

Holy Cow, how tone deaf does an administration have to be to send this guy to the Netherlands? Who wouldn’t have seen this coming?

No, everyone will get something and the old and sick won’t be dying in the streets because that’s what’s coming in the republican’s America. Redistribution is not a dirty word, it is good social policy. Too bad if the rich have to settle for $100 dollar bottles of wine instead of $10,000 ones.

Personally I liked how AGH used a guy with a net worth of $90 billion in his pie analogy

people that have to pay into the system knowing that we’re not going to benefit from it.

Too much money going to jailing and killing brown and black people.

They all pay FICA. Take the cap off that and Social Security and Medicare will be doing great.

Can’t get blood from a stone.

People struggling to set aside enough money to retire and live a decent life?

I don’t really see the difference.

KKK probably does not believe what it used to believe, and, anyway, who really knows what the KKK believes now?