I’ll give you a hint...
I’ll give you a hint...
“People are Bastards.”
“It’s going to end up at, like, 180K words or something, which makes it longer than Final Fantasy XIII.”
A game where you can Waifu D.va? PSH... I have my body pillow already
I mean, there is double cuddling, gender-swap cuddling, gang cuddling; the list goes on.
Because we want more to our overwatch porn than high impact cuddling.
Why can’t these people just be normal and jack it to overwatch hentai?
O hey I went to his workshop once before, such a nice guy!
Pilots strapped to the front of their power armor: Check.
I’m okay with this. The gameplay in MGSV was crazy polished and consistently fun. It just felt good to play. I could not stand the bloated story, inconsistent characters, ham-fisted writing, and strange cutscene direction (had my fill of Kojima’s shenanigans by Snake Eater), and yet I still put in close to 30 hours.
same reason they use ghostbuster name on the latest movie..the name sales
Metal Gear is a name that sells. A new IP called “Sneaky Zombie Killer” would not.
Metal Fear: Zomsplosion
Yeah, the helmet can take it, but getting whacked on the head for fun is a young man’s game.
“I will have some replicated immediately sir.”
That’s the sprite.
Don’t care. She’s cute. Will carry her home.
What tits? Isla’s flat as her artificial ribcage.
The solution for overpopulation is finally here.