This one’s the best because of the two casually working in the background.
“Yes, Laura. This month saw an increase in patient intakes by 6% and Susan is currently giving Robert an epic blowjob. Any questions?”
This one’s the best because of the two casually working in the background.
“Yes, Laura. This month saw an increase in patient intakes by 6% and Susan is currently giving Robert an epic blowjob. Any questions?”
whoa, that Witcher 3 expansion really DID get a graphics downgrade
*outdated meme*
Wow, Patricia. This is absolutely disgusting and not needed on a site like this. You should be very ashamed of yourself!
It is. The reason I clicked on the article in the first place was so I could see what was up with the header guy’s left arm. These capsule beds are pretty narrow, so if the photog wanted a full shot of the image, they wouldn’t be able sit directly across and get the whole guy in the frame.
Should I point out that the Pikachu in the article is male (flat tip on tail), or is that even relevant at this point?
Rule 34 of the internet says other wise.
Japan is such a strange place to me, in many ways it’s still xenophobic and repressed but in other’s it’s open in ways that would simply be considered tabboo. Like being a woman and getting sleep next to drawing of a cute anime boy in hotel would probably get you ostrisized here in the US.
it’s really not that bad. It’s cheap, convenient, and the more modern ones are well equipped with TVs, internet access etc, and they’re nice and clean. Definitely beats a hotel room or a taxi ride if you missed the last train, or if you’re in town just for one night and don’t want to spend too much money on…
Honestly, not the worst thing to wake up to, super cute I'm in.
So tragic. A solution for those who do not have the space or money for a dakimakura.
Ooh, Mask⭐️DeMasque Ryder, here I come!
Richard Ryder
If only Farfetch’d was as capable at battling as he was at wordlessly expressing an internet user’s disbelief.
Yes, he could have family. For example, his grandson is Gary Motherfucking Oak
Alan Shepard was the first American in space, and the second person ever in space. Sally Ride was the first American woman in space. Mass Effect’s characters aren’t just named to sound cool, they’re an appreciation of (American) space history.
*is a biotic god, can throw car sized items out of the way