
It’s funny that it was made on a feminist website though. A “Yeah okay....we all know you really just want to fuck him, stop trying to hide it!” response to stupid criticism sounds like something I’d hear in middle school.

I’m not sure “but most people already know!” is an excuse for outing her again, especially years(?) after the fact when she’s surely made new friends, started a new career and a new family etc...

They did work at a strip club and later moved to prostitution. She didn’t lie about her relationship with the pimp and by her own account, she stayed when she could have left. I don’t know why she was asked to go along to Florida, but from her story, she (remarkably) wasn’t pressured very heavily into prostituting

Might have been happy before. Prob not so thrilled that thanks to Zola, everyone knows she was a sex worker and is receiving constant harassment online.

She pimped out a sex slave(Jess didn’t get paid) and is telling this story, as if it were humorous, in which Jess was kidnapped, assaulted and possibly raped. She’s also linked people to Jess’ social network accounts, allowing the internet to track down and harass her. #Hero