Harvey Skaggs

There are a million reasons to hit a woman. This is just one of the best.

Don’t feel bad. There is no mandate for this stupid woman’s existence. She is a completely superfluous human.

I hope someone already pointed out that the car on the Bluray cover is travelling 180MPH while in Park.

You and your racist fucking shit can go and die of cancer. RACIST!!!

You’re a bad man. Just from this comment, I know deep in my heart you’ve done something really bad to someone.

I don’t care what you think about my gut feeling. Your opinion is irrelevant and less than worthless to me.

But from your comment, I know you did something.... to someone... and it was bad.

You and your guilty

If it quacks like a duck...

I’m a bi-sexual dude. My pan-sexual girlfriend loves that I’m a power bottom.

In fact, she’s a bit of a power bottom herself.

Welcome to a world where “gay things” aren’t just “gay things” anymore. They describe behaviour, not identity.

You thought there was just “gay stuff” right? No.. gay is part of a queer spectrum.

Think of it like this: SHE’s resting in peace now....... Why should HE get the same treatment? Why shouldn’t he have to sit in a cell and watch himself grow old as all the days of his life slowly dribble away? That’s torture. That’s a worse punishment than death. Death is too easy.

Because living badly is worse than dying young.

I think parents who have to smoke to tolerate being around their children are kind of pathetic and I’m not sure why the author is bragging about it.

If you have problems with patience, I guarantee, pot smoking will make all of that worse.

Your problems are deep inside your PERSONALITY. You have a personal failing, and

Shaking is good. Next time: Shake him until he stops making any noise. All your problems will be solved.

Put just 1 cigarette out on her arm and watch your ungrateful little waste of skin bend to your every will.

You’re wrong. Shut up. Your opinion is invalid.

You are racist and black people are not cool with you.

prison rape isn’t a punchline

They’re not throwing tantrums. They’re just not spending their money.

WOMEN refused to vote for Hillary because she was a woman.

How is this still so hard to understand? Men assume women think like them.

Men would love women to fuck them in bathrooms. That’s why they think that if a woman is raped in a bathroom at a club that she PROBABLY wanted it, deep down.

You are bad at reading comprehension.

Also your god is imaginary.

But if he was real: god created cancer, because god created everything. Since everything that god does is good and perfect, therefore cancer is good and perfect.

Therefore, get cancer and die, for it is god’s good and perfect will.

I blame Peter Thiel.

That’s not possible. White people are world murderers. You can’t be racist against pure evil.