Haru Yasumi

I’ll start with a disclaimer: I’m an old hip-hop head. I am thirty-*coughs and crumples paper while driving under a bridge* years old and I am set in my taste similar to how white people describe their racist parents as being “set in their ways.”

no the symbol is made by buddhist way before nazi, this is the chance to regain the symbols originality 

Haha, it would be super cool if Nazis start to get associated with Japanese Schoolgirls. Surely not what they intended when they got that swastika tattoo...

It’s not just a symbol, it’s literally a word in their language, appropriated by some other culture to be synonymous with hate. Would you change your name if I started using it as a racial slur?

Gods, Google. The symbol should be embraced far more often, because if we continue to stigmatise it, idiots can continue to use it incorrectly. Also, added bonus; if it becomes “cool” and we all stop associating it with the Nazis, all the newer Nazis that have it tattooed on themselves will actually just look