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My personal favorite was:

I watched the watchmen. It was aight.

Tell Cersei, I want her to know it was me

Now playing

Everyone in my group was like “don’t do it, don’t do it” I was like:

I got a chance to listen to listen to West’s interview with The Root that will come out and a few days. I think it is within bounds for West to challenge Coates’ writings and philosophy in the name of intellectual discussion. I don’t have a problem with that’s. While I like Coates, I don’t think his writings are

This points to the issue I have with the far left. It’s the fetishization of “revolution” and “struggle” to the point that even when we do make real advances it’s not enough. You’re either down with the struggle or a sellout. I’m a single black woman making more money than I ever thought I would. I own my own home. I

I have had a lot of respect for Dr. West (even though I disagree with him on a lot of things). There’s nothing I can say that’s more insightful than this article, so I’ll go petty. It annoys the shit out of me how often Dr. West uses “neoliberal” as a pejorative. I hear it far too often from Bernie Bros who use it the

“The system is racist.” “Why are you calling this dude is racist.” “The system is racist.” “You gotta Lotta balls calling this dude racist.” “The system is racist.”

Am I the only person I know who liked Ang Lee’s Hulk?

What? No Guardians? Where are the Guardians? I thought this was supposed to have—(“who the hell are you guys?”)—AHHHHH!

No. This not the time to worry about imaginary and hypothetical innocent men. And before anyone screams “witch trials” again let me point out that there were no witches in Salem. The the monsters are all too real and have floating by in a system that protects them that they knew full well would protect them.

“DC and WB are unequivocally committed to cultivating a work environment of dignity and respect, one that is safe and harassment free for all employees”

Never heard of him.

I don't think you _could_ have a really authentic Holocaust level in a game like this. Because if you did, the game would end. (I mean, I guess if you played as another character for a while it might work, but even then.) I'm just impressed that they tried, however clumsy the results; there's a real danger in horrors