
I feel like one of them finds it and the rest just pile on every time they think they’ve got an inch of a point.

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Bob Chipman has a great video talking about this and getting into Thanos’ general impact on the MCU. I think it’s recommendable.

Those mugshots were so on point for a hate crime, I thought this was the Onion for a second.

I was expecting this exact scene. I was actually a little hype because of how clever it was to have the couple on either side of the conflict who were both shown as being incredibly close to T’Challa. It’s still a great movie, but they could have had me in the seat for another half hour at the very least and I would

I think I’m still gonna casually check it out. This sounds like more or less what I expected from a Max Landis/David Ayer film. The racism but with orcs thing struck me as something that was a clever idea that they wouldn’t really execute well. It seems like it would take a ton of work to make a whole set of social

Did you...Did you read the article? The one above that gives plenty of room to accept Alex Garland’s reasoning while pointing at a general Hollywood problem.

I was really enjoying this show at the beginning, and then the Lewis subplot killed everything for me. When you see him making that first bomb, I was honestly game for him to blow up the body to hide evidence and somehow get on with his life and out of the show. But nah, the only guy who we see struggling to readjust

I star this with all my star. I think the differences are especially stark for POC because we don’t feel like we can treat the potential threat as an abstraction.

I basically come to io9 for CPM articles. People in the comments seem to be missing the difference between guns (the objects) and gun culture (the very real American subculture of people revering guns like they’re currently at war). The article makes a great point about how Vulcan the character gives a face to a

I’ve been seeing a lot of people bringing up the point that it would be stereotypical for the only Asian guy around to be all about martial arts and Asian mysticism, and I think that’s a very good point (I’m a black dude and there are plenty of times when I would rather see no black people in a movie than one that