
Ok, so, developers and producers, take note. This is how you maintain a game.

I always liked NMS, I never bought into the hype, and it was what it was. Played it with my wife, too. I take breaks in between, but with this update, I will be jumping headlong into it with her again. We love co-op games.

Please read the article...

No, I didn’t know that, genius. The original movie is mentioned in the article, and there’s only been a few trailers for the movie sequel floating around the internet for the past year.

what about the fan theory that Final Fantasy VIII is bad, when it is in fact actually good

He had voiced out about this years ago and his answer was the same. It’s good to see he still retains that opinion.

Sadly though, Sakaguchi is a bit on the overrated side. I know I’ll catch some flak for this but it’s true. He barely touched any of the games he worked on, with several years worth of testimonials of

I just.... don’t get it. I never have. IX is a great game don’t get me wrong but everything about it just felt half assed. The story is full and there just isn’t that much to do in terms of side quests and most of those that do exist are missable. The world felt so unbelievably small too. The characters are mostly

Literally one of my least favorites. I only liked two or three characters, the story was kinda slow and boring, I HATED many characters such as Vivi. I hate the fact that you basically can’t choose your own party until the third disc. And my number one, biggest complaint of the entire game is the battle system. Having

It remains the slowly-paced disaster it always was to this day. Any wonder it was the final game of the Gooch’s long career at Squaresoft.

Is it that hard to just not read the articles you don’t want to read?

Lightning is just female Cloud. An emotionless robot that has been over-hyped to hell.

Is there a term for trolling trolls and griefing griefers? Surely there should be by now. If not, I’d like to suggest ‘billy goating’, ‘goating’, or ‘gruffing’.

Whaaaaaa I won’t support a foundation that helps thousands of people in times of crisis every week because my video game health packs look different....

Seriously. Not a fan or anything (although she was mildly amusing and charmingly self deprecating on SNL), but who cares? She’s odd and she licks doughnuts. She’s benign. Inoffensive. I don’t understand the vitriol.

Good for her, I hope these kinds of things get more visibility. The more they see the light, the less we can stop hating on each other. Games should be enjoyed by everyone

They never had any effort for customer service.

Hey man, cookies are only supposed to have a *little* bit of salt in them.

Yup. That totally fits Lionhead:

“At one point, the mayor of Guildford called the studio to arrange a visit. Molyneux agreed, but the team decided to take the piss out of the mayor. Mark Healey had stuck two old wires into an old woollen glove and popped the other ends of the wires into the floppy disk drive on his

Except the handheld you posted a picture of came out in 2012 and wasn't even made by SNK. Trust me, I'm kind of an expert on the subject.

Best version.

If Capcom makes Street Fighter V, which at this point will be in the year 2020, I've always hoped for this sort of character design. It is generally accepted that after Street Fighter III: Third Strike (the last game chronologically) that Oro, the strongest fighter in the world, trains Ryu in his later years. As in