let me laugh my ass off at the stupidity of these statements:
maybe I am into amputee porn, and didnt realize it,but gosh, he makes me swoon, one leg or not *fans self*
YASSS.... Her hair, the way she wore it, the fact that she as someone with 4c type hair, (the hair type most likely to be ridiculed in both the white AND black community) decided to wear it out beautifully gives me so much hope.
Viola's speech has made my entire month. I watch HTGAWM, just for her.
no where did I say Tracee/ the poster "should have discussed/said".
Really, your going to come in here and act as if the focus of this post, and some of Tracee' comments weren't about Black Standards of Beauty?
Yeah, I have memories, of people who would "rough comb" my hair just to prove how unruly and kinky it is. I am a 4b/4c
Let's test your reading comprehension:
You didn't read. That is not what I said at all. I said 3a hair wasn't as subversive in our Black community. GOOGLE the phrase "Good Hair", as it applies to the Black community. It doesn't negate Tracy's struggle to have her hair accepted by white folks, BUT it DOES expose the place of privilege she comes from in…
you obviously didn't read my comments through. Go Google the phrase "GOOD HAIR". Maybe you will actually see what I am pointing out.
thank you, that was EXACTLY my point.
No doubt, but she is not on 90% of the "natural hair care" products marketed to Black women, nor is remembered when many in society think "natural hair " on black women
You, me, and the rest of marginalized 4c black women in America.
This is exactly why I came here and posted pictures. No one except people IN the Black community, really gets the hair discrimination. Everyone is now pretending "Oh we accept Black people's natural hair, look at (insert bi-racial/multi ethnic ringlet having actress in here)" .
yep, and I even replied with pictures showing someone else who is accusing me of using my own personal standard. The black community *loves" women like that, because they look "black/other" rather than what most people accept as what a black woman with very little Caucasian blood looks like.
Tracee is speaking about her experience as a Black actress in Hollywood. Her experience is just as valid as anyone else's.
yeah, its the title. and its by chouinard.
Yeah, but she isn't the type of woman shown on any of the products marketed to Black Women for "natural hair". Nope, her hair is NOT the "natural hair", as the industry or the general public recognize it. And, I have yet to see more Black women wearing straight afro's like the above, rather than using all this Goop…
Ugh, another 3a, hair type talking about wearing their hair "natural" and acting as if its as subversive as if they were a 4c, no growth very kinky short afro like Lupita.