
I am making sure that you don't minimize the magnitude or difference between Asian and African American treatment in the USA. If that comes across as quantifying to you, we'll oops.

1. Don't derail the discussion. No one is talking about what they did or do in China. This is about the USA.

1. I won't address the Grammar Nazi all caps bullshit, because that just derails the discussion. WHO THE FUCK CARES, so long as you get the point.

Thank you. They can troll, but they cannot read

I love how well your reading comprehension serves you, as I CLEARLY stated this AMOUNT of dehumanization. No other race in this country except African Americans have EVER been designated as CHATTEL on par with pigs and horses. This occurred for GENERATIONS, not for a few years during WW2.

You also don't know how to read either. I CLEARLY SAID "THIS AMOUNT" of dehumanization. I should have added this LEVEL too, as being interned at a camp where there is adequate housing and food and some recognition of human status, is NOT the same as being legislated as CHATTEL, on part with your dog or pig, as a

you need to back to elementary school and re-read American history textbooks. The history of the relationship between white Americans and black Americans has been formed through the lens of slavery, and the systematic dehumanization and devaluation of black people. Because of that history (and it's recent history

Yes! The idea that if you have dark skin, somehow you are more "ghetto" or probably less educated or friendly. I see this soo much, reflected even in a clinic where I previously worked.

Ugh finally, Gawker and Jezebel act as if racism only occurs against Black males. Women of color also get this and it is apparent in all spheres of life.

thank you. The first thing I will do in my free time this weekend is research the hell out of the prosecutor and the cop that choked Garner to see if there are any ways I can ensure that they no longer receive support. I wonder what the police pension fund investment group is? Maybe we should make others opt out of

I really need to know a way to financially or socially penalize the grand jury, the NYPD and the prosecution for throwing this trial. I am fresh out of ideas aside from protests, which as we can see from Ferguson, do squat to change things.


Please site research. Depression, like Anxiety is mostly a cognitive illness, as it it's understood in the DSM V and prior editions. So I am wondering what criteria the research you are referencing uses for labeling "Depression"

Didn't know about Fusion, but Dodai, I love your writing and bookmarked the site so I can visit you. This is NOT goodbye.

yep, you are trolling. I mentioned movies, which i know for a fact are a thing that people can watch around the world and outside NY. I also mentioned tv shows, which can also be bought on dvd and watched around the world. I mentioned Texas and Europe as a juxtaposition to couch the fact that people like you can live

Where are Robert's tweets defending her and their relationship?

My points you missed them. How sad, since your response proves my point. Let me dumb it down for you:

You don't have have to live in NY to know Viola as she is also a film star. I am sure you know Philip Seymour Hoffman and Meryl Streep.

*Sigh* It's funny how Viola Davis, who is famous for so many roles on Broadway including the timeless classic Raisin In The Sun, as well as having had long standing roles in TV series is best remembered for playing a maid.

I a a firm believer that we have it ass backwards in society. We should force potential parents to undergo the exact kind of criminal back ground, financial, personal reference and personality testing that CO-OP boards and potential employers put their prospects through.