
non verbal communication. Look it up and read a book. People observe the actions of others all the time and gain inferences into that persons thoughts and feelings. This has nothing to do with Asians.

go ahead I dont care. This board is full of opinions , mine is just one of many. Disagree with my premise if you like, but know that you and hahoo are LYING, by saying that I compared asians to dogs.

really guy? You haven't even bothered to read a single post of mine or follow any threads.

Really and that is why you didn't waste any energy writing that 6 paragraph rebuttal.

behavioral observations.

behavioral observations.

I am not talking shit, just making an astute observation about the level of vitriol coming from some of our Asian brethren, and the noticeable lack of vitriol from the non Asian brethren.

It is funny how everyone is railing against my sentence indicating defining features of Asianness, being their eyes but few even discussed the other part of this where I pointed out the same defining characteristic of recent African descendants being their wide noses, like it so much easier to accept the variation of

straight noses are not unknown to Africa either, in fact there is a picture in these threads of just that, but to say that the vast majority of East Asians dont conform to the regionally common phenotype of small slanted eyes, round flatter noses or that The vast majority of africans do not conform to the regionally

there is no blame here. It is just making people accountable for their TRUE motivations and being honest about why these surgeries cluster around getting a specific set of features

I am black. Notice we are discussing a wide variety of people of color, but you focus on Asians. In these threads I have mentioned black, middle eastern, and asian ie people of color in general

please read the threads so I dont have to repeat myself ad nauseum.

...<i>self hate" and "white worship" aspects of this discussion, but I'll just say that the "de-ethnicization" of ethnic features, although that often appears to be the effect of these surgeries, is in most cases not a conscious "motive. </I>

It is interesting that none of these women have surgery to add an ear, or remove their earlobes, or to remove their eyebrows, or to obtain the graceful neck of a swan. The pattern they choose for "beautifying" themselves just so happens to conform with a western European phenotypic appearance. hmmmm

Nope. I never said it looked weird to others. I said one defining characteristic of East Asians is their eyes. I have also said that yes there are variations, but the vast majority in that region share that characteristic whether it is overtly pronounced or not so overtly pronounced.

Notice, none of these surgeries seem to be done to fix ugly faces, or correct defects, nor do these surgeries appear to keep racially signifying features intact. The primary motive for many of these surgeries as clearly evidenced by many pictures that were posted, appears to be to remove racially signifying features.

Nope I am getting it.

What is Cheubic? it is a word and concept borrowed from Western WHITE culture, particularly the Renaissance painting idea of cherub.

What? What is so wrong with recognizing and adhering to and being proud of your phenotypic average? Proper phenotype are your words. Most Asians do not look like Caucasians. Whether you consider that proper or not is another issue. The label Asian came from Europeans who knew and saw that people from that region

The whole idea of race and why we can even discuss this topic, is based on noticeable pheonotypic averages that occur and cluster in certain regions of the world. Would there be a concept of "negroid" without the idea that African's look African?