
5 Best online dating sites if you are NOT a Black woman.

miss the point much. This woman altered her appearance SPECIFICALLY in ways that approximate whiteness. Whereas a white woman randomly curling her hair and painting her nails and getting a boob job is NOT approximating any RACIAL phenotype. Dont play stupid. White women are not tanning to get dark as tanning mom, and

Now you are really trolling. It is no coincidence that this woman has altered SEVERAL things in her appearance in a way that would make her appear more Caucasian. She lightened her skin and is rocking a wig that looks like a white woman's hair. Tell me the last time you saw a white starlet rock a tan AND an afro wig?

for women this is absolutely not true. Cover models on magazines, in books and in literature have been praised for milk white skin, and pale pearl skin. Hell even cameos are made in ivory complexion. Dont lie to yourself, and dont try to sell lies to others. WOC, already know the truth, as everything from dolls to

really? Is that why she is also wearing a wig of LONG STRAIGHT CAUCASOID hair, because she doesnt want to approximate whiteness? Really? Methinks you are trolling.

Really are you kidding or trying to hijack a thread? Anti black colorism and a cast system based on how much you approximate whitness has been in effect in this country since slavery. Everything from house negros to who got into hollywood at all (Dorothy Dandridge) and who got receptionist jobs in white owned

I was replying to denisehuxt and her "no not beyonce" comment. Beyonce may not have bleached her skin, but was chosen by the music industry based on how well she can approximate whiteness rather than her actual talent. Rhianna is another case in point

Amen! And the sexy cat woman roles go to halle berry and eartha kitt. The big screen black love interests go to actresses with the biggest weaves, when we know that most black women of African descent just cant grow hair down to "there" unless they are mixed etc

I dont think she is referring to her skin , so much as the whole package of blond wig, and making sure that our so called hollywood and music idols approximate whiteness as much as possible, whether by birth accident or intention

That is NOW, but historically it has not been the case. I am waiting to see if she ever gets a leading love interest role or a sexy vixen role. That is the true test of black women's sexual viability on the silver screen. Most of the roles I am talking about go to the light and bright almost whites, if not just plain

Sadly, she is only doing what many of our entertainers do in secret and what many average black women want to do... which is to basically be a white woman, and have all the attention, positive regard, and lust that white women receive just for being who they are.

Vee. Please dont be dead. You (Lorraine Toussaint), made this season absolutely explosive and memorable.

classic object relations issues.

Nothing like a Maker's double with a splash of ginger ale to fill up my hole

Two words: Evan Peters.

I have to agree. Asian especially east Asian women just WILL NOT date their own, don't know what that is all about as a black woman, but I don't really care either, as men of all races have been doing it for millennia.


Fuck. That. Noise.

Lupita is both FEMININE and CLASSY. That to me is the real clincher. While we have had some brown and darker brown "sex symbols" Grace Jones, Pamela Grier, Angela Bassett, etc, black female beauty and sexuality especially amongst us darker beauties has always been couched in "ferocity", and masculinization. I am so

Look at me! I'm famous and on national TV, therefore it entitles me to speak in generalities about the experiences of other victims whom I have never met, and to pontificate on the psychological process of victimizing without a shred of actual evidence or educational knowledge to back my statements.