
As gay man from the Midwest who moved to Manhattan two weeks before the infamous July 3rd, 1981 NY Times article about the mysterious cancers affecting gay men, I was there from the beginning of the HIV/AIDS crisis. Deeply involved with establishing what is now the LGBTQ Center on 13th Street in the Village, we

Very nice piece. Please keep it up as you convey an element of the fear that existed at the time.

Same thought occurred to me, unfortunately.

Damn, Noel Fisher & Cameron Monaghan pop off the screen as Ian & Mickey. Their energy together is palpable, throbbing, intense. It was damn good to see Gallavich come alive again. Ian's other relationships were OK, even the current one with Trevor has promise but the intensity of Fisher & Monaghan is why so many

As I understand it, there is little chemistry between the actors playing Caleb & Ian, certainly not anywhere near the serenindipidous chemistry between Noel Fisher & Cameron Monaghan. The fans of Gallavich are a significant portion of the Shameless fan base & have been somewhat abandoned by the short shrift of Ian

Sharpton had a health scare several years ago, not as bad as Bill Clinton's but enough for he & Bill to be rigorous about losing weight. I met Sharpton in the 90's. He's quite short & was well rounded at the time. Also far more personable & charming than he comes across on camera. Charmed a room of elderly Jews

Uh, in the 80's & 90's it was somewhat more common to lie about being HIV positive than now, with all the meds available but it still does happen more often than one would think.. There's a lot of magical thinking about HIV by many, infected or not. Somebody in a new relationship that seems to be going well

Thought it a bit suspicious that we didn't see the nurse tell Ian he was HIV negative, that Ian's demeanor in telling Caleb seemed too offhand casual. Having had several friends & my first boyfriend die of AIDS I find it very difficult to believe Ian is negative, given his sexual history. Agree that there doesn't

Yes, poor Ian, yet it still brings chuckles.

Uh, Ian wasn't thinking of becoming a fireman, he was thinking of doing the fireman or having the fireman do him. Since Ian's a top more 'n likely the former. Actually, there is an episode of the British Shameless where Ian does hook up with a fireman. A funny yet sad episode at the same time.