"I'm not a total continuity nutbag, but it does bother me in this case."
"I'm not a total continuity nutbag, but it does bother me in this case."
It's funny how the people that love 'Breaking Bad' so much are the ones that totally missed the point of the show.
I don't know. I think both shows are crazy overrated. They both had really good first seasons but got progressively silly and far-fetched as they went on and had pretty low fifth seasons. 'Breaking Bad' had the Wile E. Coyote robo-gun and some pretty goddamn convenient coincidences and 'The Wire' had the fake…
I don't agree with that at all. I think it's the most overrated show that's come along in a very long time. It was a good show and all, at least the first season was, but after the first, the show got more and more silly and far-fetched. A lot of the final season was just flat-out stupid.
I didn't know about the recasting, so my initial reaction was "Who the hell is that guy?" and then it became "Is that supposed to be the douchebag? Did they get a new guy?". When he gave her the flowers, I figured that he was indeed supposed to be the douche even though he looked totally different. They didn't even…
I never read the books so I don't know if the character is supposed to be smarmy or not. From what I've read, he was, but I don't know. I'm not knocking the new actor for his performance, either, as they really didn't show him much. I just dislike the fact that they made no effort to make the new guy even remotely…
They could've found someone that at least resembled the other guy. At least put the same wig on him.
Some guy did a fan edit of 'Star Wars' called 'Star Wars Revisited' that was the Special Edition without all the stupid bullshit like Greedo shooting first and the dumb Jabba the Hutt scene. He also did a lot of other changes and fixes like effects shots and such. Like, for instance, he changed the arm that gets cut…
"I wasn't overly impressed but I shall watch the next episode for sure."
Or, even better, don't make the fucking thing at all.
He's good in 'The Promotion', too. I read an interview he did were he said he wishes he could do better parts but he's been typecast as Stifler.
No mention of a completely new actor playing Daario, one that looks absolutely nothing like the old one?
No mention of a completely new actor playing Daario, one that looks absolutely nothing like the old one?
Ugh, I hate that show. I wouldn't let my niece and nephew watch it after a while.
It should've ended after Season 8.
Yep. That was totally out of character for Annie. Plus, the puppets were stupid. I remember when season 2 was airing and people were complaining about the number of gimmicky episodes there were. Little did we know that the show would later become NOTHING but gimmick episodes.
You mean the episode were two grown men pretend like they've swapped bodies like they were a couple of four year olds? I'd direct that one to the garbage bin.
They made it seem like he was going to be a recurring character and then he just disappeared.
That's been a problem with almost every season. The ratings were bad and they'd build a storyline like it's going to be a finale and then the show would get renewed and they'd have to backtrack and undo it.