Harry Palm

I liked the first season of the show and thought the second was OK, but I didn't like last season at all and I've outright hated the two episodes of this season.  It's become just an excuse for these guys to meet football players.  I swear, every time they leave the house they just happen to run into a football

she and Duplass

Bill watching TV and eating the grilled cheese sandwich by himself chokes me up every time I see it.

'Animal Kingdom' was very well acted, but it's also a very cliche and predictable movie.  I'm not saying it's bad or anything, but it is very overrated.   The crime genre is immensely bloated and this movie didn't do much to stand out from the rest of the pack.

And yet there have been scores of movies that have started filming without finished scripts. They're all terrible, of course, yet studios keep doing it.

I gave up on 'Dexter' years ago during a purge when I gave up on a lot of shows like 'Weeds' and 'Shameless' (the UK one) and some others that I realized I was only watching out of habit and not because they were worth watching anymore.  I was half-tempted to watch the final season but just forgot about it and I guess

That year was I was born as well.  I don't remember if it was shitty or not, though I assume that I was very shitty indeed.

He was actually pretty good in 'Moonrise Kingdom'.  He's good when he wants to be.  It's painfully obvious when he's doing a project he's genuinely interested in and when he's phoning one in just to get a paycheck.  I don't get it, myself, since he's rich and successful and old.  He should be using what time he has

"I'm not saying that makes it a good movie, just that there are people who enjoyed it."

To be fair, it doesn't make sense that most of the Gods in 'Thor' have light skin but one guy has dark.   Genetics and climate determine a persons skin color.  If the Gods lived in a bright, sunny place and everyone had pale skin, or most were dark-skinned except one white guy, it would be equally illogical.

I've never cared much for it.  I only watch it because it comes on after "Sunny", which I truly believe is the only reason for it's success.  It's mostly just a bunch of stand up comics in a room trying to be funny and then they go out and happen to run in to the Football Player Of The Week.  There's some funny jokes

That was the first one I thought of, too.  Every damn episode I watched, I wanted that rat bastard to take a shiv to the back but he never did.  They could've at least offed him in the finale, but nope.  He's about the only guy to survive until the end.

Ryan started the fire!!!

Yeah, I agree.  I really liked the fact that she told Ryan that she was using him and married Drew because that's how it goes in real life, well, except the girl telling the guy that she was using him.  That part doesn't happen.  But, The Pretty Girl using The Nice Guy and marrying The Douche is all too real and it

Here's the problem with this movie:  It's basically just a big "Fuck You" to people that like violent movies.  So, either your a person that likes violent movies that just sat through two hours of a preachy dick telling you that you're a scumbag for liking violent movies or you're a person that doesn't like violent

When I was six, my dad took the whole family to the drive in to watch "Conan The Barbarian" and "Cat People".  Yeah, my dad was not a very good parent.  My mom would also rent staggeringly inappropriate movies for us, too, which I assume to be the fault of not knowing that the hell the big letters on the box stood

Yeah, a black man in the White House really set those morons off. 

Yep.  Anyone that says they hate homosexuals is a homosexual.  Anyone that preaches about 'family values' is cheating on their spouse.  Anyone talking about how we need to keep drugs away from kids is using drugs.  Anyone trying to make porn illegal is a pervert. 

I'm very torn about what they did to Jan later on.  On one hand, the fact that she went from being a very serious and intelligent character into a raving lunatic didn't make a lick of sense and is pretty insulting to the character.  On the other hand, Michael's reaction to her boob job and The Dinner Party were really