Harry Palm

A-?!  Different strokes, I guess, but I thought this was one of the worst episodes in the show's history.  It was one hell of a coincidence that Hank, Dean, and Doc all ended up at the asylum at the same time, the Teddy plot line was just stupid, and worst of all was the reveal that Myra wasn't the boys mother.  Of

I don't care much for it, either.  I really want to like it, and it does have a lot of really funny jokes in it, but overall it really isn't that good.  The main problem I have with it is that the violence is too graphic to be funny and not graphic enough to be funny.  'Club Dread' has the same problem.  You can make

I think the fact that Ryan's mom sees her cat as a woman in a cat suit indicates that Ryan has inherited a mental illness (probably some form of schizophrenia).

'Parks and Recreation' fans are usually a little more sensible than 'Community' fans and can take some criticism without going ape shit.

I thought the school stuff was funny, too, despite the fact that it was pretty identical to 'Billy Madison'.

I bought the DVD box set of 'Monty Python's Flying Circus' and after going through it several times, I realized that the problem with the show is that after a while the funny stuff stops being funny, but the stupid stuff stays stupid.  Another problem is that due to it's format of running sketches together, you can't

Movies are so damn long because the directors are arrogant douchebags that think that everything they film is pure genius and don't want to cut anything out.

I can't believe people still care about Stephen King.  It's been decades since he's written anything good.  He's just been recycling the same material over and over for years and despite that fact, he's never written a good ending!

Uh, 'Stand By Me' is the movie about kids looking for a dead body.

I hate the ending.  I always have.

It's not as good, but it's worth watching.  It's a pretty different show.  The only similarity is that there's a guy that looks at a dog named Wilfred and sees a man in a dog suit.  Other than that, they're different shows with different flavors.

So, what did Pixar rip-off when they made this one?

Yeah, on the commentary track, they say he it something like 14 in a row.

On the DVD commentary track, they said he hit something like 14 in a row.

No.  Most films are NOT vanity projects.  Most films are products commissioned by producers because they own the rights to a brand that they feel will produce a profitable movie and that's it.  They hire hack writers to crank out a crappy script quickly and then hire a big name flavor-of-the-month director and a few

Stray Observation: That was the third child to die on the show, excluding all of the Hanks and Deans.  I'm starting to think Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick have some serious issues.  

I believe in the Brisbyland episode in Season 1, Brisby says that Jonas started research in cloning before he died and he knows that Rusty is doing it to, which Rusty denies.  I might be wrong there, but I'm pretty sure somewhere they imply that Jonas started the cloning thing.

Uh, there's been two and two more to go.

I am.  She used to be one of my favorite characters, but I'm starting to get annoyed with her.  She's become very arrogant and her Spartacus storyline is pretty silly.

I hated her in the first season because she was such a brat and she betrayed Arya which resulted in the death of Sansa's dire wolf and then she played a major part in Ned getting executed.  She grew up a lot in the second season and I started to like her more and feel sorry for her.  She was even better this season.