Harry Mutt

Because the English language is far from being *not* complicated while Esperanto has a very easy and regular (artificial) structure.
And that's true even for many, many native English speakers (who btw in most cases don't even care to learn any other language). Just have a deeper look into this forum…

I don't agree here. He did not just kill Floyd. He turned the knife. There is something beneath the surface here, maybe connected to some commenters' ideas about him being a son of Otto or something like that.

BTW, Peggy doing the 'Hanzee'…
She's really extremely realized, now. ;)

Great episode. Absurd theater of the finest. :) Haven't read all 2000+ comments, so maybe I'm wrong, but didn't anybody realize that Martin Freeman is not narrating as Lester but he is taking up his role of Dr. Watson? The book with the prints reminding of the original Sherlock Holmes prints in 'The Strand', the style