Harry Ellis

When can we expect Obama's review of the Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life? November 25th at 6 am?

Please, Dr. Brightside is my father. Call me Mister.

True, but goddamn that third act still works like gangbusters.

I haven't seen Black Rain in years but the shot of the katana scraping against asphalt during the decapitation scene is my main takeaway from that film. As you said, great looking movie.

Oh, please. Someone starving for attention like Kim and her flock would have no scruples with releasing a sex tape. Look at all the stuff they've done for headlines over the last decade. Rape culture has nothing to do with it.

Is this really the Lieutenant Buttocks who used to post here many years ago? I seem to recall that guy being much more mellow.

"Marge in Chains" has Chief Wiggum drawing his gun and opening fire on a flu cloud. That alone makes the episode worthwhile.

I met two hardcore republicans at a Pearl Jam concert in New York a few months ago. Said they hoped Eddie doesn't talk about "letting those perverts into a bathroom with my daughter." Pearl Jam is a far-left political band. The bottom line is that most people in this world are fucking idiots.

He was born and spent roughly the first decade of his life in Evanston.

The gold ones in Chapter 10 or 11? Those are the guys I'm thinking of. Drove me up a wall.

I played Bayonetta 2 last year and had myself a blast. Tried playing the original over the last few weeks and had to abandon it. I got about 75% through the game when I hit a massive spike in the difficulty curve. Spent an hour getting the shit kicked out of me by the same two enemies (not a boss, mind you, one of

Don't jerk me around, Norm! It's a simple question!

Anytime you ride into town, the soundtrack has to play "There was a peaceful town called Rock Ridge/Where people lived in harmony"

I have a Wii U that I've enjoyed quite a bit. When I upgraded my PC last year, I vowed to avoid the PS4 and XBone at all costs. Then I saw the Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer this morning.

If they want to do this right, a Prince Greatest Hits album should consist of every song from Prince through Lovesexy along with a few tracks off Diamonds & Pearls and Musicology. I love nearly all of the man's work, but the tracks listed above are unassailable.

The Aliens article today has me thinking an Alien/Aliens double feature is on the agenda. Other than that, CUBS BASEBALL.

I love Apone's paternal, enraged reading of "Hudson, come here. Come here."

Was it difficult to earn their trust?

A spot in the theatrical release or Ridley Scott's director's cut?

[Alan Sepinwall smiles knowingly]