Harry Dinkle


Some things will never change…

but i'm talking about Shaft!

I came to find out why salt shakers are bullshit, but ended up loving the article. What is this North Face spice you speak of? I'm genuinely intrigued!

As long as you overact when you receive it, it's okay.

I hear this is John Oates book, but Darryl Hall wrote all the words.

It isn't so-oh-oh-oh-oh

In the sausage links.

My only real problem with the episode is Wally West being a blockhead. He's wondering why Jesse is different toward him this breach visit, but maybe it's because her dad was kidnapped two weeks earlier and the rest of his expedition was found murdered? Wally West is a putz. I find myself liking him more and more as

Usually comes in a bundle with Hero, Hoagie or Sub TV

I'm from Fuckheadistan too. I'm from the Rottenassholeberg area.

..direct from Hell

The Hawks are gone making this an automatic A+ episode.

If I said it once, I've said it a thousand times…David Spade should've have been buried with Chris Farley.

I find it hard to masturbate to that. Not impossible, just hard.

How else is he going to light his cigarillo?

I'd say Robert would be more embarrassed being mistaken for Fred.

I had a pair of Asian jeans, they didn't fit very well.