Harry Dean Stockwell

Oh, right — I had completely forgotten that detail.

I think the scandal was Olivia's ridiculous black and red cape getup with long red Cruella DeVille gloves.

Oh hai, Shirley.

It was literally an edge-of-the-seat situation for me. I was ready to throw something at the TV if the decision came down the wrong way. Like OJ.

Okay, once with fury, The rest of the time: laid-back.

masturbating with fury the entire time. (him, not me.)

How do you like it?

This episode made me into a big fan of Astrid.

Also, the only thing that Charile Sheen ever said that made sense to me: "I don't pay them to have sex with me. I pay them to leave quietly afterwards."

Amended: the Get Smart movie that no one is happy to remember.

let my mustache hold me down

Actually, I think that the Get Smart movie that no one remembers was 1980's "The Nude Bomb", in which no one appears as Hymie.

Believe me, as a developer of audio/music software, we all wish that Android was usable for releasing audio apps. Android M made things better, and Samsung has a proprietary SDK for higher-performance audio on their handsets, but even with those, audio on Android still sucks donkey nuts (sorry to get all technical

I think that the network at that point would have been ABC — the sign on the cover of my soundtrack CD from 1990 has the 51K number.

yep, I saw it on a big screen as part of the Miami Film Festival a year before it premiered on ABC.

I will physically fight whoever it was at Showtime who said that stupid thing. Seriously, FFS.

Oh, and I also just learned that Ty-Lör Boring and I have more in common than I thought.

The other good thing about that season for me was learning that "Ty-Lör Boring" is an actual human name, not one from a Pynchon novel.

Have we ever even seen Phoebe’s ghost children? IIRC, there were a few scenes early in S1 ('The Garofalo Era') set at school with Phoebe and her spawn.

Also he doesn't necessarily come with the support of the Trumplodytes, and would probably be easier to mount opposition against. He's horrible, but he's horrible within somewhat normal parameters, not "might accidentally trigger nuclear war" horrible.