Harry Dean Stockwell

The only bee in my bonnet is a blue canary nightlight.

…but only a single space after a period, so he's at least partially redeemed.

Yes, yes, they're terrible, but at least the original Shrek one had excellent arranging/production thanks to sElf's Matt Mahaffey.

Alton did an entire episode "Fowl Territory" that was focused on food safety.

I can't get too agitated at this point (other than Talbot's quick ejection) — this is still the point in the season where there are so many chefs that none of us will remember were even on the show in a month. I just hope to see some dishes/techniques that look worth stealing and to see how shiny Padma's scar is in

Tax the businesses OWNED by the churches

How much did they charge you?

Like I always say — if Tom Arnold says so, that's good enough for me.

That's the most egregious example, made worse for me that I heard the SW soundtrack long before I sat down with The Rite. I almost got whiplash when the second part started. At least on the "Close Encounters" score they made him give credit for 'interpolating' "When You Wish Upon a Star". (For my money, CE3K was his

How dare he malign the works of Holst, Mahler, and Stravinsky that he plundered in those scores? The impudence!

You'd like my Gail/Padma slash fic. Up to volume 4 ("Our Trip to Le Trepeze') so far.

She wouldn't have to pay me to spank her.

"Padma describing the losing chefs in the Quickfire as naughty was a nice touch." I would literally pay $100 to have Padma tell me I was naughty. Call me, Padma.

"And Project Runway crowns yet another winner to add to the show’s impressive legacy." I can't tell if this is sarcasm or blindly copy/pasted press release text.

That's why they make 31 flavors, I guess. I liked that the miniseries hewed more closely to the book.

If you combine the casting of Lynch's version with the casting from the late 90's miniseries version on SciFi channel, there's a completely perfect cast to be found.

"The people really DO look like ants from up here, don't they?"

Also: Bill the Cat.

Wow, Lou Reed is totally gonna track you down and kick your as… DELETE DELETE DELETE

Steve Allen shakes his head sadly in heaven at what has happened to his baby. He destroys MST3K's Steve-o-Meter in shame and disgust at what he has wrought.