
That deer was so out-of-place and phony looking, combined with the music, I seriously thought Rick was hallucinating at first.

I saw Donald Sutherland at a convention and told him how I was still haunted by that Body Snatcher scream he did years later. I asked for a pic and he obliged, then I opened my mouth like he did in the film and he laughed and wrapped his hand around my mouth. Best picture ever, and he was so cool.

That happens in our universe, too.

Gabriel? How'd he find his way into that list? He's the worst.

Ah, so Coral has accelerated growth instead.

As someone who grew up loving Lost In Space, I didn't even remember how bad Bloop sucked. The whole thing just sucked. The worst was the weird time-travel ending? With the original kid? Terrible.

They do, and that'd be reel.

Langoliers didn't have that music. The person who compiled this was just lazy and found a clip where someone included the Guile music.

That goes for writing, too. I say this as one.

OMG I forgot how bad that was. And the roar… LOL.

I don't know about that. Gen X (myself included) was roughly between 20-30 years old when this movie came out. Not really the target for a teenage high school movie (though it is rather enjoyable, I'll give it that).

I thought the movie ending was great. Tragic and heartbreaking. I left the movie thoroughly depressed. And I was okay with that.

Just had to look up the scene to re-watch and it came with this little nugget of info: To film this scene Alan Rickman agreed to fall onto an airbag 25 feet below on the count of three. Except the director and the stunt people thought they would get a better reaction if they dropped him on the count of "one." They

Oh, that one had me snort in the theater. Looked like we went from a movie to a video game.

Me neither. Air Force One, Die Another Day and King Kong being the biggest surprises, since I haven't seen them since they came out.

I agree with you about including stop motion (surprised the original King Kong didn't make the cut!), however there's no excuse for Dick Jones' arms. Those things would hang down past his knees if he stood up straight. That aspect IS sloppy.


Was Blue Thunder anything like Airwolf? I remember seeing it in the TV Guide but never watched it. (Airwolf also led to Riptide, which I loved…)

On my little phone screen, I saw that group of about 20 people and the words "dirty secret" and thought it was yet more Duggar dirt.