

“Are you dirty mike and the boys?!”

They shot that porno in a Tesla, not a Toyota.

David after reading that section:

This is all I needed to know to explain it.

See? This is what happens when you let a Hummer and an FJ date. 

Oh god, go away tears/giggles, my manager is coming

Damn. Again, bravo to you for taking on that project. It looks like it’s coming together.

Part-time employees would still have set hours they would need to work though, right?

I’m sure it started: “Ok, first things first, let’s change out the spark plugs. Just need to removed the wires from the...is that’s a points distributor?!”  

True, but I think his point is that with a minimum wage job, you can’t just show to Taco Bell up whenever, work for a little, take some cash out of the register and leave. With Uber/Lyft, you log on whenever you want for as long as you want.

So what’s the solution?

Bravo, man(woman)! Doin’ it right. I mean, if anything, buying someone else’s project forces you to go over everything.

Details, please. :)

See babe? Why don’t you go teach our son how to catch!

Well you know what they say, if it’s broke, don’t fix it.

oof, so was valsidalv’s comment.

Still not Kinja proof, apparently.
