
That’s a lot of parts, I guarantee I could take one a part and put it back together and have at least 3 bolts left over that weren’t needed. 

Appropriate YouTube avatar


So that’s what the front of the train looks like...

And how many octopi were used?

You can’t rush perfection, I get it.

These are great. BRB going to Craigslist to buy someone else’s project.

Racer: I want to die prone and screaming, with no idea what happened.

YES! This made the cross-post to Jalopnik! My fellow car-nerds will be appreciative.

And I’m sure as he swiped the thought, “Dear lord baby jesus, don’t let this get declined.”

He ended up buying a six pack of beer before leaving the store,

have you SEEN Jesus’ abs?

Weird, you would think that Arnold would have been the parent pushing mass 

Uhhh, they tried really hard to improve their MPG numbers buy trying to merge with any other carmaker that would have them...but none did.

I think that while watching How It’s Made and they are making something mundane like pencils and the narrator says, “This facility is capable of producing 400,000 pencils a day.” WHO IS BUYING ALL THOSE PENCILS?!

Dude’s gonna be pissed when it’s a Cadillac Zora that comes out...