I’ve heard the long ones at the ends of the handlebars called get back whips...like you whip a car if they get too close? I’ve never understood it, I also only ride sport/dirt bikes soooooo
I’ve heard the long ones at the ends of the handlebars called get back whips...like you whip a car if they get too close? I’ve never understood it, I also only ride sport/dirt bikes soooooo
I also enjoy calling their “git back whips” tassels :)
My wife will fight you.
There’s technically not. The exhaust manifold is now apart of the head.
This doesn’t seem to block the cravings, just the sensation, which as you tested, probably has the opposite effect of consuming less sweets, you would probably consume more because you are trying to get your “fix”. It’s similar to drug addicts who keep using more and more because their endorphin receptors get all out…
That doesn’t change my opinion. Compensation is not JUST salary, it’s a lot of things and the company is saying that “He used the company assets for personal use.” which if known about, the company would have disclosed as compensation, but he lied/hid the information.
The way it reads, it wasn’t the company under-reporting his salary/benefits/perks on purpose, it was that Ghosn was using company funds for personal use and not telling the company. It would be like using a company credit card to pay your mortgage and getting reimbursed for it.
Except that riding public transit late at night/alone isn’t “risky” for men to the same degree it is for women. Men, by-and-large, don’t get harassed like women do.
Even though F1 is the peak of automotive engineering, I’m sure if I disassembled an F1 car and put it back together I would have 3 or 4 bolts/nuts/fasteners leftover that weren’t needed, just based on my history working on my own cars.
Freshly mounted tire.
Also, I wouldn’t want something older than 1989 or terribly unsafe.
Is it because they last longer?
Slow cars fast.
Well this is some self-serving bullshit.