
You want more passes? Go to ‘Dega and Daytona!

Just another argument against recycling.

...but I would like something that can haul more than just me and my dog.

...as the only bones they found close to it were those of a deer.

He’s a dog that knows that situational awareness is #1 for being a good / safe driver boy.

Are you a dog?

Yea! 1 out of 13 ain’t too bad!

Fuck you, Kinja...just fuck you.

(not ob-NOx-ious at all)

I see Dylan joined the Navy, nice.

It’s like 4k tv, but better.

Paywall bullshit!

Ok, Tom, but just between us...what’s the website?

Or they could just not go back?

You do realize who owns this website, right? ;-)

*treading carefully*

A whoops is basically a sine wave written in the dirt

ok? and your local mechanic values his time at $100/hr and he isn’t going to sell you the parts at cost.

Now playing

I had TruCoat and rust proofing put on my car, wasn’t really my idea, but the dealer said it was well worth it in the long run, and they wouldn’t screw me over, they’re there to help me, the consumer.