
This really should be a time trial type series. Either A.) Set a static course up and the botcar that can lap however many laps the quickest wins (this would assume the laps get quicker as the car learns that course) or B.) Set a course that has 10 different barrier configurations and whoever can clear them fastest,

The One:1 could do 0-300-0 with no hands, I’m assume the Agera would be a similar experience.

Pretty sure when I got my first debit card, the bank told me to pick a PIN and keep it a secret. I think shouting it across the house is the opposite of that.

Tina, your daughter, Tina.

Not sure why Tina Belcher didn’t post this, but I will!

Old news.

Was all the shifting done with the only the right flappy paddle? I’ve never seen a set up like that.


They already added EFI, what more do you want? Transmissions with more than 4 speeds or something?!

First repair is always free.

At first glance I thought the red button was a martini glass for a setting to choose when you are drinking and driving

ah, yep! 2016 Altima. So she seems tech savvy when in reality the car is doing it? Nice.

But that’s not hard. Hell my mom, who just got a cell phone like 4 years ago, has her phone paired to her car and also tells the phone to send a text when she’s driving, that says “I’m driving”

(it’s only 39 inches tall!)

She’ll find a ride someplace, she sells a lot of t-shirts.

*ahem* it’s a mobile home, thank you.
