
hahaha no no it’s fine. sarcasm is hard to convey, I actually really like the new ridgelines and yours in particular looks real nice. Sorry to have offended you for a split second. :)

Your dick must be so tiny. I feel bad for your boyfriend.

How DARE YOU buy a truck that fits your needs and budget!

Asking the real questions.

What if I die doing something I love?

This is good, at least this way the rich old guy can play the “I wasn’t driving” card.

My face when I saw that beauty.

i....i can’t, not to mention it’s right between your legs the whole time.

I couldn’t help but laugh at this part, 18K redline is insane

Lotta people upset that this comment won. OH WELL, THANKS, PATRICK!

you still butthurt about Gawker getting shut down?

Looks like a Saleen photoshop.


srsly...your 2 cents are practically worthless.

Well the good news is, after Brexit, the years you lost over there aren’t worth as much in the US.

Hey man, this is jalopnik.com, not richguywhobuyscarsnew.com

A civic hatchback AND a cruze hatchback in 2017?! I can’t wait to buy one CPO in a few years!

Now playing

Gyro-bike has already been accomplished.

What kind of American would buy a Chevy Cruze when you can have a Camaro for under $20,000?