A Harley like that one doesn’t have a center stand because it weighs a fuck-ton.
A Harley like that one doesn’t have a center stand because it weighs a fuck-ton.
So I’m assuming those ranges are with the truck empty, yea? So what’s the range look like when it’s loaded down? I’m assuming not as impressive.
Since the saddle bag is open...
You might be able to do this, I don’t think Trump’s reactions are nearly as good as Dubbya’s
“Uptown Giiiirl! She’s been living in her white bread world.”
SOOOOOOO where are the sex tips?
Tim Cook did.
I don’t know what I’m meant to do aside from say Yes at the end.
How much BHP can I expect from the stickers?
“Coach was right, just because the play is on the other side of the field, doesn’t mean I should stop paying attention!”
NEATO! Thanks for the link.
First off, that ‘vette looks awesome.
the “Real Archive Footage” at the end got me lol