
A little target fixation with that BMW, or no?

We called them Bud Heavies (Heavys?)

...once they become... “ used enough” to drop the prices.


no, that’s what you do with female broadcasters, duh.


VWs have a similar “feature”

oooooo I’m so jealous, about the VFR...and the dog...not so much the 2 car seats. lol

“old car” lol

I can’t wait for Sean to get another gig.

The man is about to turn 90 years old, and over the past 90 years he’s had a stunning career as a scientist, environmentalist, advocate, and public educator.

Do you think 10% of all commuters get into an accident everyday?

Diesel-gate agrees...

Is this the new 500 Days of Kristin?

At first I thought you mis-typed drunk, but then you did it again and now I’m not sure if you mis-typed twice or I am missing a joke...

“Good effort!”

That lead photo fucked me up, it took me way too long to figure out who was raising their arms.

Well Gawker needs $ and $ come from clicks, but that still doesn’t explain getting rid of one of your best writers, especially when he was brought on with high hopes of jump starting the moto coverage. At the end of the day, I can’t complain too much just being an outside observer and not having to pay for this.

In case you didn’t see this...

Sean got canned. He didn’t say why, only it was a shock to him. He was the only writer in my eyes that actually rides and was doing test rides and reviews, good ones mind you. I guess the powers that be decided the $ didn’t make sense any longer. Fucking sucks.