
To me, it looks more like Zelda's coming back to reclaim the home turf it left behind a couple decades ago.

It looks like Ganon isn't a person in this one so much as a formless evil. You can see glimpses of a swirling black cloud in the trailer that forms a very Ganon-like head towards the top—I think that's him. Or it, in this case.

After watching a bunch of the gameplay they showed yesterday, I actually think it looks well-implemented. The cooking is done in the most cartoony way possible (you "hold" a bunch of ingredients and drop them in a pot) and mostly has cool little benefits that let you play better, and that's the only crafting.

That said, they DID give best supporting actor to Mark Rylance for a pretty understated performance. That surprised me.

I'm taking it as a mercy that I can't get my hands on the special edition right now, because that's definitely how I want to play the game and I already have so many good games to play.

Ludwig is real, real tough, probably one of the toughest bosses in the game. He's worth it, though. The DLC is wonderful.

What's interesting about Super Mario is that they really can't drop the 1-UP mushroom without people throwing a fit because they got rid of something so iconic. So I think they should redesign what it does, because obviously lives don't really matter anymore in Mario games.

If I had to guess, the central tension is going to be that, for all of Jessica Jones's physical powers, they're useless in the face of a villain like Kilgrave. It'll take the usual campiness of someone with ridiculous powers and turn it on its head by putting them up against an enemy who has nothing to fear from those

Yeah, that persona is definitely not what he does anymore. His whole show is pretty much ABOUT feelings these days, and it's probably better for it.

For what it's worth, the fusion works unreasonably well. It's a "roguelike" in the sense that it's randomly-generated and you have to start over when you die, but it has a little Spelunky in there in that the game is broken up into discrete chunks and you can tackle them individually, rather than having to go through

Betty and Sally, at least, haven't exited the series yet. They're in the previews for the next episode pretty prominently. They've had moments that would've been solid series exits, but apparently they've got at least one more episode.

Don isn't fed up with advertising, I don't think. He'd probably have been better off if SC&P hadn't been folded into McCann. What made him flee, I think, was seeing the assembly line method that McCann uses for creative. He's not special there, no matter how much smoke Hobart blows up his ass. He's just a cog in a

Crypt of the Necrodancer's soundtrack has been my soundtrack at work for a couple of weeks now and I don't see that stopping any time soon. It shouldn't be any surprise that a rhythm game with music by Danny Baranowski has great music, though.

I haven't actually read many of the articles of late, to be fair. I post way too goddamn much on the forums, though.

The Rising LP was outright magical. I like Chip's Uncharted LPs, too, and the Wonderful 101 one. Ironicus does get a bit much sometimes, that's for sure, but Chip's enthusiasm is just so damn charming.

Some of the only commentary LPs I can bear are done by Chip and Ironicus over at chipandironicus.com (also Something Awful). They're really enthusiastic, don't use facecam, and Chip is actually both good at video games and informative about them.

I don't like blind Let's Plays because if I wanted to see someone stumble their way through a game they know nothing about, I'd do it myself.

Nobody actually reads Something Awful's articles (I hope). It pretty much exists for the forums.

It's all about parrying, really. Any hunter that uses the Threaded Cane is BEGGING to be parried with your gun—when the cane is in whip form, it has massive wind-ups that are really easy to parry. What I do for the Yahar'gul hunters is:

Those hunters are NASTY. I can only beat them by separating them, and I've gone through the game multiple times by now. You can usually ambush the Threaded Cane one and get a backstab off if you go down the stairs and come up behind him, but after that, it's just a panicked free-for-all.