Clem Fandango

It’s awful to prejudge, so here is me doing it anyway.

“not always”, but with increasing frequency as the laws that prevented it are being chipped away. If society allows a company to pay less for labor, it will. That’s capitalism.

You’re making a system that abuses WAY more full time workers than it benefits part time workers. It’s incredibly easy to abuse, and that’s what these companies want. They want to pay LESS for the same amount of work, that’s it! They. do. not. give. a. shit. about. you.

But these companies (tech startup gig economy types) are not making 10 billion in profit. They are making 10 billion in valuation. Most of them are losing money on every single order. This isn’t to say they shouldn’t be held to the same living wage standard as everyone else, even more so, they should be forced to

Good god, that’s exactly where this is headed isn’t it? We’re going to be discussing whether he completed the process of the clap and completed a non-clap football move.

Those were my favorite episodes. God I miss community.  Six seasons and a movie!

It’s combining all the worst parts of our society: The legal system x The insurance industry x The healthcare system x The NFL.

I would have also accepted A Little Bit Louder Now

Bro, HOGS RUNNING LOOSE is the name of my new punk bluegrass band.

i will always star (door flies open).  A man has to have a code.

Right... Which is why 10on 1 is a bad scene. There are no stakes. Your just dropping literally redshirts that pose no threat, because if they did, they could easily Stab you in the back.

Spend 2 seconds watching the guards and you lose all respect for that scene. They do the stupidest shit because no one choreographed them. There are dudes just spinning around in the background against invisible opponenta

Anyone remember Buzz Beer from the Drew Carey show? I still hold that show was underrated.

your point is not lost, but Trump has never once had a genuine interest in the well-being of anyone not named Trump.

KPAX also reported that Brockway pleaded guilty to an assault with a weapon charge in 2010 after he pointed a gun at a family in a car and threatened to kill them. For that, he received a 10-year suspended sentence.”

Yes! But it’s called Civil trespass, a violation of a property owner’s right to maintain exclusive control over his property. This is a civil law, meaning the property owner must sue the trespasser in court. 

most likely homeless infront of a business. That makes up at least 50% of criminal trespass cases.

It’s not that the UFC is inherently racist, it’s that they don’t care. Whatever you do, it’s fine, so long as you sell PPVs and allow the UFC to exploit the shit out of you until you’re a husk of your former self.

Dana White is the kind of boss that suddenly yells “you’re fired!” when your trying to tell him you’re quitting.

exactly this. I am in a completely different field, but I was looking at a sports job, and they gave me the pay/benefits for my level position. It was half what I was making, with awful benefits, and I’ve got 15 years of experience in this field. When I politely informed them of this drastic discrepancy, it was made