Clem Fandango

Everytime I see one of these IP recipes, I think “sure, but the sous vide would be better”.

Agreed. I got it on that Fi launch deal with fi credits, which was super good considering it happened AT launch. I’ll never give it up.  The camera, the battery life, the general ease of use, the 3xl is everything i want.  I’ve made peace with the notch, please don’t ask.

Pizza Hut Pan Pizza embraces the fact that its a cheap national chain pizza, and doesn’t try to imitate good pizza, but rather leans into it’s natural and finds beauty there.

See above. Also, look up the terms subjective and objective.

If you have an opinion on a subjective topic that I don’t agree with, then you must be wrong.

And yet, somehow attempted to be inclusive of black and gay nerds (all male of course). Not exactly woke, but i feel like it was trying.

Curtis Armstrong is a treasure. He tells a story about how seriously he took this part, and how he used all the lessons he learned in various acting classes to form the character of booger. He wrote a diary in the character of booger, he created a backstory, he had secrets about booger than only he knew for the

I thought T&B’s animation was terrible. I like Big Mouth, it fits the comedy of the show. It’s wildly over saturated, which seems appropriate.

What blows my mind is that without any idea how many people watch either, much less subscribe because of either, the “this or that” comparison is meaningless.

Also, have a show that’s funny.

3 star amazon review average. It advertises that it works up to 7.5 feet from the product. That’s a really small zone.

3 star amazon review average. It advertises that it works up to 7.5 feet from the product. That’s a really small

agency entry level person: grabs first 20 influencers they see that meet the brands criteria

Burgers are like boxing, there are too many different divisions.  5 guys is fast casual, no-drive through.  In N out takes the drive through division.

Your saying she went to college?

You don't think he overcame his demons that time he spent 1 day in rehab?

Voltron, but with vegetables

I never realized how Trumpian Tarantino quotes are.

Right, but it changes your pot adds, which should be the first thing you know when you’r asked to call a bet. A simple calculation of what you stand to win, what you stand to lose by calling, and what your odds of winning are. Any previous bets by yourself or your opponent are meaningless, you need the total pot, and

Ok, the article posits a scenario that doesn’t happen in the video. You are correct, he was asking for the size of the bet, and was infact given incorrect information. Which, is super shiity.

After watching the video I see you are correct. The article states he was asking for the pot size, which is not true.