Clem Fandango

i highly recommend the steel, the really nice part is you aren’t limited to a size or shape, and you don’t need to take it in or out, or delicately slide you pizza in.  it’s bassically turning your oven into a pizza oven.  really good design and easy to work with, and the same heat distribution as cast iron, but more

i highly recommend the steel, the really nice part is you aren’t limited to a size or shape, and you don’t need to

Cheap pizza stones i’d agree with, if you get a good chunk of masonry or a thick, wide pizza stone, i’d disagree with you. The stone is the same concept as a cast iron, its a surface that holds a ton of heat. The cheap thins ones just can’t do that because they aren’t large and thick enough.

Cheap pizza stones i’d agree with, if you get a good chunk of masonry or a thick, wide pizza stone, i’d disagree

Less than 4 star rating AND a bad fakespot grade? Guaranteed garbage, plus its on $3 off it’s regular price.

Less than 4 star rating AND a bad fakespot grade? Guaranteed garbage, plus its on $3 off it’s regular price.

Right, because the Trump model means never stopping.  You need to constantly one-up yourself over and over again, creating new controversies that drop the old ones out of the news before they can be analyzed.  You need to follow “im the pro-education governor” with “Unions love me” 2 days later.  If you stop, you get

Right... but are they making enough money on popcorn in order to lose money showing movies on discounted tickets?

Oh, it’s AWESOME for users, it’s just not a “business” model so much as it is “a great way to turn VC dollars into free movie tickets that is about to go belly up very soon”.

Awesome. I wish you the best of luck in your future business where you offer unlimited 3rd party service reimbursements for $10 a month.

There’s no tipping point for a company that has no path to viability.  At no point do they hit a sustainable number, because increasing users does not create scale.

It was monumentally stupid because it only works if the theaters are on-board from the beginning. It makes no sense for theaters to join later.

It amazes me that these pieces of shit can simultaneously celebrate and deny the holocaust at the same time.

Moviepass is bringing in a lot of customers by offering them near-free movie tickets. I had a moviepass subscription for a few months, and I was averaging the cost of a ticket down to $1-2 per ticket. That’s not realistic. (also im a piece of shit that brings his own candy and soda in, but that’s another story).

Regardless of the discrimination or sitting together aspect, if I sat down, and I’m in the right seat : Fuck your request unless it’s optional and comes with compensation.

The discount doesn’t go to users! They already signed up for moviepass subscriptions, and they are already going to the theater for unlimited movies. Moviepass is asking for a discount from theaters, not for it’s users, for itself.  And they are doing it with 0 leverage, their users are already going to movies and

But this doesn’t make sense from a theater perspective. “ok, so your sending 1000 people here today to buy concessions and purchase full price tickets? And if I give you a discount, you’ll still be sending 1000 people here today? Ok. I’m going to say no...

yea, i mean, i get all of those things from USAA minuse the budgeting tools, and I use mint for that because I have a bunch of accounts and need a centralized budgeting location.

you will be made whole via amacoin a new cryptocurrency that can only be used to buy other cryptocurrencies, so there’s absolutely nothing to worry about.

I ended up dropping them and sticking with USAA.  There really isn’t anything Simple does that is better than most credit unions or the few non-asshole big banks like USAA.

I have not, but you lost me at “get out of the vehicle”.

oh, he doesnt need the launch codes.  he can start a nuclear war with nothing but his twitter account.

ehhh, at least Pence isn’t going to purposefully start a nuclear war to make himself feel like a big man. I don’t think?  I mean, these are not great choices.