Clem Fandango

Should i also stop referring to taking a poop as “baptizing the non-believers”?

just don’t use the term Jimmies for chocolate sprinkles. Made that mistake once... just once.

I’ve definitely done this at tail gates where cars are closely parked together. It happens pretty damn often when there are 20 minute lines for the portas.

You need to have 30 dead gay hookers and a signed confession on display in your office to be investigated by this White House.

Oh agreed, but in general, I don’t like the super-sweet ketchup. i want to tang than sweet.

I will defend the reduced sugar Heinz version of ketchup. It’s tangier, has a more tomato-y flavor, and is far superior to the syrupy regular ketchup profile.

I would think the water cooler idea would yield its own savings. I mean, you can serve more drinks faster with fewer bartenders if you cut out the water orders. And it should help people drink longer since water does help slow the body’s processing of alcohol.

yea, i was totally thinking “yogurt” when i read this. Definitely going to try that as a mixer.

Jonathan Sothcott sets video to loop, unzips his fly.

So we’re comparing apples to apples. Here are the 2 faces she makes as she looks up. She actually looks more concerned at 14 seconds than at 23.

Right... Because she sees them infront of her, not because the car is alerting her... that isn’t the face of omeone who is getting feedback from a car alert, it’s the face of someone who realizes they are about to mow down a pedestrian.

I mean, we have no way of knowing, but she looks up the first time, and looks up the second time in nearly the exact same way. I don’t think she was alerted, i think she just looked up naturally and reacted. She doesnt appear “alerted” when she look up, only when she looks forward.

Could it have completely avoided an accident? Maybe not, but by all accounts it appears to have hit her at full speed. Even a human watching that road would have done some level of breaking before hitting her. That didn’t happen because the guy did what most people do when given semi-autonomous cars, which is stop

Not all shows are for everyone. Opinions and tastes vary.

It’s not surprisingly to find out a hardened conservative has always wanted to get into drag.

Those people are still consenting, they are desperate, but they are still consenting. And your saying “well, what about the laws outside of America!” - that isn’t relevant here. Clinical trials in the US require consent.

I imagine the next administration is going to move in, and notice that food and water are disappearing from the fridge at an alarming rate, and they frequently find the vents covers hanging open, or hear scuffling over their heads late at night. Sure, some intern says he saw a crazy woman wearing a ratty old uncle sam

Right, but your IRA starts growing at say $8k and your Eoth starts growing at $5k, because it’s post taxt. The question is more do you think you’ll be taxed lower now, or when you retire ?

Most families I see are upper middle or upper class. most of the blue collar fans are there in groups of 40+ aged men, maybe the odd 10+ year old son, but not a lot of blue-collar families, as least that I see in attendance, and I hit 5-6 games a year typically.

I commend you on your restraint regarding Prince Albert Jokes.