I’m assuming this is consensual only? otherwise that scene from Snowfall really disturbed me.
I’m assuming this is consensual only? otherwise that scene from Snowfall really disturbed me.
I don’t think it would work today. In it’s time, it was prescient. It would feel too much like a special-of-the-week show today. Part of what made that show beautiful is that it was outside the public consciousness. You can’t do the same series under a spotlight.
i mean... he waited till season 5? That shows restraint I guess.
YES, especially for the various police brass. They all had complications in regards to where they came from, who their allies/enemies were, and what they were trying to accomplish. Every single motivation was earned, which is my problem with 99% of TV today. Our protagonists run into people in their way who are just…
But they forget where they buried him, so it was a running joke on set to ask “where’s Wallace?”, and it just kind of stuck with the writers.
I HIGHLY doubt that hunters and fisherman make up a majority of Jeep’s ownership. That’s the brand image they are selling, but majority of sales are to people that have never left gone off road.
It does come with free cocaine. Or is that greyhounds? Either way I’m in.
Yup. It’s a massive coincidence that immigration hard liners and republicans are less educated people. What a coincidence!
You’re blaming immigrants for the fires the republican party are constantly fanning while you vote them into office. You’ve found a scapegoat for your rage that looks different than you do, because your too lazy and uneducated to look at the economic forces that are actually at play in your lost manufacturing jobs and…
no thanks.
More like internal civil strife and the tanking of the global economy. But a lot of people die when governments fall. Theyy rarely reorganize themselves peacefully.
Absolutely. But a lot of people will die in the process.
You would have made a fantastic citizen in the third reich.
Hey, i don’t have a wide range of experiences and virtually none in STEM, but in my experience and every TA or graduate student i know that applies for a job is fighting against 75 other qualified applicants. I know there are some that are probably extremely specialized, but then again, so are we. My brother is a…
I can’t imagine a strike of grad students. There are hundreds of academics waiting to replace anyone that doesn’t show up to work.
But you’re basing your argument on what you were paid, and making assumptions about what they are paid. Moreover, you’re making assumptions that they will CONTINUE to be paid this way in the future.
I’m not a star wars purest that thinks this was a bad movie because they messed with some things. I just want my choreographed fight scenes to not be interrupted by an unexplained exploding body. They could have had kylo shove a lightsaber up a guys butt, and it would have done all the things you mentioned. it would…
to each his own. I prefer movies that don’t throw pies for the sake of throwing pies.
Lol, I’m not saying previous movies didn’t abuse the fact that imperial design is an OSHA nightmare. They are frequently poked fun at for that reason.
No, I’m bad at math and got his age wrong. My mistake.