Clem Fandango

Grow up.

Who is saying don’t try? I am saying small, consistent, iterative changes are the way things improve. You don’t walk into Afghanistan and say “stop slut shaming”. You start with getting rid of the burqas, and opening up schools for women, and you chip away at the issues and their supporters one by one. Alabama is not

i have 3 kids, getting laid has brought me nothing but problems.

or an effort, like, you know, lighting up your death sword and cocking back your swing.

Ok, have it your way. Obiwan and Yoda are never shown to have the impulse to MURDER THEIR PADWANS IN THEIR SLEEP.

Hmm, none of the shit you just mentioned is in the definition of the word try.

Well, that’s what I would call it. Feel free to create your own version of events as it suits you and call it whatever you like.

No, it doesn’t. “I tried, but i just couldn’t bring myself to pull the trigger.” is what you might say if Luke was holding a gun.

Maybe i feel asleep for parts of it. It WAS about the space police chasing a slow moving vehicle with its blinker on, so you can’t blame me.

Right, i forgot about the part where he makes a pro and con list with his lightsaber lit. Although that scene would fit in well in a movie based around a slow-speed chase.

Right, now contract that to Yoda and Obi-wan who are giving their padawans chances to back down after they’ve completely turned evil and done some pretty terrible things. EVEN THEN, they don’t attack first. It’s a pretty significant difference.

If I go into your room, I take out a gun, I cock it, and then I realize its wrong and immoral, even if it is what’s best for everyone, I would say “I tried to kill him, but I couldn’t do it.”

In both versions he activates his light saber and cocks it back. In bens he swings, in Lukes, he pauses and lowers it.

Considered implies no decision was made, and he took no action toward killing Ben, but we know thats not true.

So, his activating of the lightsaber was not an intentional act? You’re saying it activated by accident? Or, as you saying he activated his lightsaber for the purpose of killing Ben?

Ahh, i forgot Newtons 3rd rule of effort. Effort only exists in the one direction that suits HOLPoster’s argument.

this is why i only go during the winter. I can fit a convenience store in my parka.

That’s actually the #1 dictionary definition of try. Your version of try is called “i made this shit up”. EVEN THEN. Even then, in your “i make up what words mean” version, you said “actually taking an action”, which he fucking does! Like, you know, activating your lightsaber and cocking it back for a swing, might be

Try: make an attempt or effort to do something.

that would be a DUI.