
I love you, Peter Nincompoop!!

"Thornton continued, 'And every woman in the place is gonna be running for the exits except my wife. And you know why I'm gonna do it? Because I want you to have a heart attack and die.'"

And by God, if I was there, I'd have stood up to him too!

When did Denis Lemieux become an official?

But where were the pictures of John Stamos?

I hated that whole movie, except that one line. I wrote it down and put it in my wallet.

I'm curious about this one...I don't think I've ever seen a guy post "wishes he," nor have I ever posted it, but it's the biggest here. Was there some big thing that people were wishing for? GTA V or something?

It wasn't close to the best, but Run Ricky Run is my favorite. He came off as so straightforward and aware of his faults, and was unwilling to change who he was just to play in the NFL. It's easy to say you'd give up a big paycheck, but a lot harder to actually do it... that documentary moved my opinion of Ricky

Wasn't Dumb and Dumberer the sequel? Or am I making that up?

God Only Knows What He'd Do Without It

"Mister Sunshine on My Goddamn Shoulders Jon Denver!"

For me, it's because I don't understand it. I'm not a cryer (crier?), nor am I very emotionally expressive, and as much as I know that tears are very, very rarely used for manipulation, it's just so far out of the realm of my own experience that I have a weird, knee-jerk reaction to it (see what I did there!?). It

Yeah. Pretty terrible headline.

More like, if your neighbor apologized to you for being a loud asshole, then you would be able to call them a loud asshole.

Well, we know he likes riding bareback.

That's what "Anti-Doping" and "Tickets" are written there for.

Probably the finest episode of any TV show in the last 10 years. The D.E.N.N.I.S. System is truly magical.

You got the HIV! You got the AIDS, big time!

Vinegar strokes